This night is my last night with the year 2011, there are actually too many requests and wishes that I want, for the next year, and this last night of 2011.
in 2011; this year filled with lovely memories with SQUIDWARD TELINGA CAPANG. SWEAR!, that's the first time where I used to have a very very very lovely memories with a guy that I was loved. FYI, he seems like a first love to me, because all of the things related to love, I can only do when I was with him only, I had never done those things before even with my truly first love. In fact, he has given me something very special in my life that I cant express in words.... I love when he makes me laugh out loud, and always makes me smile by mimic a funny face. The smile, laugh, for me it was the only way most romantic ever he did to me, and almost every day he being a romantic with me through that. Thanks a lot SQUIDWARD TELINGA CAPANG for keep accompanied me along 2011. Thanks too cause you had coloring my 2011. I'm truly appreciate that!
, iloveyou... and I will not be able to forget all of those memories, even though every time I recall our memories together, I get a smile on my face etched on my mouth, but in my eyes are shedding tears. Whether it is tears of sadness? or tears of happy? or tears of disappointment? or tears of missing?.... I keep wondering ...
as known, in 2011, it was a kind of Nightmare for me, because despite all the beautiful, sweet memories that have been engraved on this year, but in the end, all ended up with sadness, bitterness, misery inside me. I swear to myself that I will no longer dealing with anything related to "love", because that love is what has made me be like that, I don'tt want to see myself like that again in time to come. It was a Nightmare for me kay!
new year is equal to NEW YEAR, NEW MINDSET - THINK YOURSELF HAPPIER!so starting form this moment, I will take this words as my guidelines to move forward further. and I hope, end up, I'm gonna be success with this words that keep motivating me along a year of 2012!
so those are my wishlist ;
#1. STUDY HARDER! but in a wise way, don't push yourself into it, but makes yourself interest into it
#3. A HEALTHY LIFE! just because of this 2012 is the year where I will sit for the SPM, so that I eat uncertain, so my body weight increased, plus my face will be parking by acne and so on. pfffttt =="
#4. LETS PARTAY WITH FRIENDS! I'm gonna always chill up with my friends. Moreover, 2012 was the last year for us to enjoy the sweet moments of the school.
#5. IMPROVING IMAN! I hope that I can improve my iman, plus I can add my knowledge about Islam more.
#6. GETTING LICENSE! hope that I can do best to get a car license quickly, cause, abah had told last week, that "next year I should really learn to drive efficiently and quickly get a car license"okaylah abahhh
#7. BE FREE!. Free from all the heart-wrenching pain that I’ve encountered the past year. aku tak sanggup lagi nak tengok diri aku yang pernah broken dulu. NIGHTMARE!!
#8. FIX IT UP! hope that I will having a better relationship with my family. I'm dying to have back my family like before
#9. STILL DAYDREAMING! as usual laa, for me, dreams are aspirations, and aspirations are reality
kaylah guys, thats all for tonight. I wish you guys A HAPPY NEW YEAR, MAY YOUR WISHES COME TRUE, MAY ALLAH ALWAYS BLESSING US
- December 31, 2011