Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan Kareem....
July 10, 2013Assalamualaikum, masaa al khoir~
Syukran Allah had give us opportunity to welcome this blessed Ramadhan despite of busy studying, working and so on~ since Ramadhan is coming, here I would like to wish all the muslimin and muslimat around the world especially my beloved family, friends, teachers, and others too~ second of all, I would like to ask forgiveness to everyone if there were mistakes that I've did towards you guys. And the most importantly, Selamat Berpuasa!!! May this ramadhan will be faced enthusiastically :) may Allah give us barakah in this month, and may this Ramadhan will full of nur. Last but not least, hopefully our hearts can be softened to increase ibadah towards Allah s.w.t~
" Live this Ramadhan to the fullest!! Amin~ "
Hopefully Allah will approve my goals tomwards this Ramadhan including have a break fast with my family, and friendssssssss!!!! *i miss them so much :( reallly really really miss them, huhuhu
Ilallika', assalamualaikum earthlings :)