March 15, 2012hey, lama tak blogging after struggling studying for the exam last 2 weeks :)
Alhamdulilah, semuanya berjalan "kindda" okay2 ja lah~
ouh yea, post ni its all about evrything that had happened within last 2 weeks...
first of all, THE MSSPS HOCKEY CARNIVAL, its our first new experience for our team, but for me, its the second time I went for the hockey match. But dah lama sangat aku tinggalkan hoki, so this year, aku kena start blek dri mulalah~ but its okay, aku, hockey is the only most game that I love to play with >.<
tp, our team tak menang pn, its okay la, asalkan experience tu ada right? ;)
okay3, back to the top, 29 FEBRUARY <------- perasan tak tarikh ni bru wujud taun ni after last 4 year? so it means taun ni was a leap year! ANDDDD, it means that taun ni WE GONNA CELEBRATE APEK'S BIRTHDAY hahahaha, aku ngan Keril berlumba-lumba semata-mata nk dapat tempat pertama first wisher for Apek >.< tp, pandai betul la Keril ni chong aku, buat2 call aku la, just nk lengah2kan aku utk wish apek punya birthday! okay fineeeeeeeeeeeeee, Keril menang -.-, shittos you Keril, aku benci hang! -.-
next was, JAT's BIRTHDAY! 3 MAC!, I'm totally happy on that time cause I was really hope that our relationship will be like we used to be before :) AND ALHAMDULILAH sgt2, me and adek dah kembali mcm dulu. Thanks adek sbb buat akak happy sangat2 hari tu. And thanks jugak sbb adek mmg tertunggu-tunggu pn akak wish. Adek, akak tak kan pernah lupa birthday adek la, and akak harap after this, kita akan still celebrate birthday sama2 lagi kay? and, sorrylah, taun ni akak tak dak hadiah pn nk bg kat adek, it just a small surprise party for you at Pizza Hut tu ja la :( tapi, akak happy sangat on that day, and hope adek pn happy jgak secara ikhlasnya kay? :DD sayangnya Aina tak leh join sama, kalau dia ada sini, kan lgi best? akak just nak buat adek happy ja on your birthday :)