weyh!! fineeeeeee, buang lah aku jauh2 dari hidup hg, i don't mean anything to you anymore, may u enjoy with ur life after this..
you've been remove me from ur fb..okay enough with it.. thanks for the gifts =="
okay, tadi masa kat sekolah aku tengok hg happy sgt kan with ur new life (with her, and your friends~ )
aku tak pernah sangka hg akan buat macam ni kat aku??
hey, "adek" , "akak" sayang "adek" and "akak" dah anggap "adek" macam adik kandung sendiri dah kot!!!
selama ni, aku ingat aku ngan hg akan jadi adik-beradik / siblings sampai bila2..plus, parents aku pun dah kenal hg, and parents aku pun dah anggap dah hg ni macam adik aku yg betul2.
selama ni, memang "akak" pernah terabaikan "adek".."akak" silap..I'M SO SO SORRY for that :'(
tapi, at least, "akak" cuba betulkan keadaan dengan baik..then now, asal "adek" tetiba jadi macam ni??
aku sedih sial bapak kot weyh!! tolong ahhh... that's hurting me so bad :'(
okay lah, happy with your new lover..
she's your first love, i know, and i also hope both you will gonna be fine always..
once before, she has been told me that she will be loving you so much...aku pegang kata tu..
aku tak mau tengok hg sedih lagi macam dulu, sebab dulu at least aku lah tempat hg lepas tension hg kan~
tapi sekarang i think you've got a better one laa~
its okay then.. you leave my world..then i leave your world too..
#please don't ever forget the good days with me..
watching you leave, with tears on my face..
that's hurting..........................
aku rasa tak perlu aku cakap lagi my last says here.. i think you're already know it, isn't it??

you've been remove me from ur fb..okay enough with it.. thanks for the gifts =="
okay, tadi masa kat sekolah aku tengok hg happy sgt kan with ur new life (with her, and your friends~ )
aku tak pernah sangka hg akan buat macam ni kat aku??
hey, "adek" , "akak" sayang "adek" and "akak" dah anggap "adek" macam adik kandung sendiri dah kot!!!
selama ni, aku ingat aku ngan hg akan jadi adik-beradik / siblings sampai bila2..plus, parents aku pun dah kenal hg, and parents aku pun dah anggap dah hg ni macam adik aku yg betul2.
selama ni, memang "akak" pernah terabaikan "adek".."akak" silap..I'M SO SO SORRY for that :'(
tapi, at least, "akak" cuba betulkan keadaan dengan baik..then now, asal "adek" tetiba jadi macam ni??
aku sedih sial bapak kot weyh!! tolong ahhh... that's hurting me so bad :'(
okay lah, happy with your new lover..
she's your first love, i know, and i also hope both you will gonna be fine always..
once before, she has been told me that she will be loving you so much...aku pegang kata tu..
aku tak mau tengok hg sedih lagi macam dulu, sebab dulu at least aku lah tempat hg lepas tension hg kan~
tapi sekarang i think you've got a better one laa~
its okay then.. you leave my world..then i leave your world too..
#please don't ever forget the good days with me..
watching you leave, with tears on my face..
that's hurting..........................
aku rasa tak perlu aku cakap lagi my last says here.. i think you're already know it, isn't it??
- June 27, 2011